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Salem, New Jersey
Established 1722

You are welcome here!
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
No matter who you are, what you believe, who you vote for, how you look, or what you wear, you are welcome at St. John's. We roll out the red carpet equally for those who have little and for those who have a lot. You have a home here if you are married, single, partnered, divorced, widowed, gay, straight, or still figuring it out. We encourage you to bring your children of any age; from screaming babies to wandering toddlers to sleepy teens . . . they are welcome.

This is God's house and we are all God's children.
Weekly Events
Yoga: T/TH/Sa, 8am
NA: T, 7 pm
AA: W, 8 pm
Upcoming Events
St. John's Accepts Online Giving Through Vanco! Click the button for more information.
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